
from the issue of April 12, 2007


One of UNL's most beloved professors marks an extraordinary career achievement this month.
 Paul Johnsgard, Foundation Regents Professor Emeritus in the school of biological sciences, has just published his 50th book, "The Niobrara: A River Running Through Time."
 Fifty books. How does it feel?
 "Well, it feels like a heavy bookshelf," Johnsgard said. "I'm out of room! On one hand, the 50th book was just the end of another project; I never set out to write 50, I set out to write one, then two... I increased the goal as I went along. But, 50 seems like a satisfying number. There will be 51 if I can find a publisher."
 "The Niobrara" is a comprehensive look at one of Nebraska's notable recreational and scientific resources. Johnsgard writes of the river's geologic and biological past, and catalogs the plants and animals that live in the river's unique ecosystems. His original drawings accompany the text.
 For more than four decades, Johnsgard has researched the comparative biology of several major bird groups. He has published scientific volumes, essays, children's books, short stories and over 1,000 original drawings. Several of his drawings and sculptures are housed in private collections and museums.
 "I write so many different kinds of books, I never know whether the next will be something that publishers will want," he said. "I try to be somewhat of a chameleon, it's the way I stay interested in writing. If I always wrote nonfiction about birds that would get boring."
 Over the course of his career, Johnsgard has won countless awards, including the Wildlife Society's annual outstanding book award. In 2001, he was honored by the Nebraska section of the National Audubon Society with their Fred Thomas Nebraska Steward Award, and in the same year the Nebraska Wildlife Federation presented him with a Lifetime Achievement Award. He was UNL's first faculty member to receive the Distinguished Teaching award, the Outstanding Research and Creative Activity award, and a Regents Professorship.
 Next up for Johnsgard is a book on the Ogallala Lakota. He is also in the process of updating his book on the Platte River.
 Johnsgard will discuss his new book and sign copies at Lee Booksellers April 20 at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call (402) 420-1919.
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