Poser to replace Howe as chancellor's chief of staff Susan Poser, associate professor of Law, will replace Herb Howe as associate to Chancellor Harvey Perlman. Poser is a member of the Women's and Gender Studies program at UNL. She is also director of the UNL Center on the Teaching and Study of Applied Ethics, a post she will retain as the chancellor's chief of staff. Poser has a bachelor of arts with honors from Swarthmore College, majoring in ancient Greek with a minor in political science. She eared a juris doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley and a doctorate from UC Berkeley's jurisprudence and social policy program. Poser also studied ethics at the Wharton School. She practiced law with a firm, served as a law clerk for a federal judge, and taught English at a California prep school and a high school in Greece. Poser will assume duties as associate to the chancellor in the summer. Howe will assist with the transition.