JANUARY 17, 2008
| | SWITCHGRASS RESEARCH NEWS - Ken Vogel and UNL researchers found greenhouse gas emissions from cellulosic ethanol made from switchgrass were 94 percent lower than estimated emissions from gasoline production. The study also highlights the grass's potential as a biomass fuel source that yields more energy than is consumed in production and conversion into cellulosic ethanol. Photo by Brett Hampton/IANR News Service.

Switchgrass ethanol yields major energy gain
Switchgrass grown for biofuel production produced 540 percent more energy than needed to grow, harvest and process it into cellulosic ethanol, according to estimates from a large on-farm study by UNL researchers.
Top News
Heritage revealed
As the eldest son of a respected doctor, Prem Paul always felt fortunate as he grew up in India.
Rev. Monroe to open MLK week events
The Rev. Irene Monroe, a religion columnist and motivational speaker, will deliver the keynote address and Gwendolyn Combs will receive the 2008 Fulfilling the Dream Award Jan. 21 during UNL's observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Extension's meth program helps educate Nebraskans
A UNL Extension educational program on methamphetamine is taking aim at the dangerous drug and spreading the message to thousands.
Other News
Undergraduates to assist national DNA research project
Undergraduate students will gain a unique research experience during spring semester as they become a part of a nationwide effort annotating a microbe's genes.
UNL students to 'focus the nation' at series of global-awareness events
UNL will be one of 1,300 colleges and universities participating in Focus the Nation's national "teach-in" Jan. 28-Feb. 1. Promoted by ASUN, Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Thompson Scholars, this is UNL's first involvement with the organization working to educate and act on global warming solutions for America.
A Piece
of University History
From the Archives - Panoramic Campus
Pictured is a panoramic view of the main entrance to the University of Nebraska as printed on a postcard. The card was postmarked Nov. 11, 1910.
'Unknown Blakelock' offers grand vision
Presenting more than 40 paintings on view together for the first time, "The Unknown Blakelock" offers a grand vision of the work of Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847-1919) beginning Jan. 25 at Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.
Other Arts
Comedian performs Jan. 22
Comedian Tim Bedore, known for his animal conspiracy theory and clean humor, will give a fund-raising performance at 7 p.m. Jan. 22 in the Hardin Hall auditorium.
Great Plains Art Museum features 'Expressions of Prairie Grasses'
Nebraska artist Carol Rustad's paintings of prairie grasses will be featured in an exhibit, "Elegant Tangles: Expressions of Prairie Grasses," that runs Jan. 29 through March 7 at the Great Plains Art Museum.
Dylan film opens Jan. 18 at the Ross
Six different actors help bring the life and music of Bob Dylan to life in the film, "I'm Not There," opening Jan. 18 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
New book celebrates Whitman's masterpiece
University of Nebraska Press has released a comprehensive volume of scholarship on Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" to celebrate the 150th anniversary of its original publication.
Lord at Club/Carson Jan. 25
The Club/Carson series will spotlight comedian Leighann Lord for two shows at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Jan. 25.
UNL singers, orchestra to perform at Carnegie Hall
UNL'S University Singers and Philharmonia Orchestra, along with Kate Butler, mezzo-soprano and assistant professor of voice, will be featured in concert at Carnegie Hall in New York City on Jan. 20.
White to lead Jan. 23 concert for elementary students
Nearly 4,000 elementary students will attend a free concert performed by Lincoln's Symphony Orchestra at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Jan. 23 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
American Life in Poetry
If one believes television commercials, insomnia, that thief of sleep, torments humans in ever-increasing numbers. Rynn Williams, a poet working in Brooklyn, N.Y., tries here to identify its causes and find a suitable remedy.