| | STORM MOMENT - Ken Dewey poses for a photo with a tornado during a May 29 storm chase in central Nebraska. Courtesy photo.

Born to Chase - Storms provide research inspiration for Dewey, Bower
When Ken Dewey was 10 years old, a funnel cloud passed over his Chicago neighborhood. He rushed to alert his parents, but was chastised for bothering them and sent to his room.
Top News
Hallam destruction provides baseline for Bower's thesis
Long before applying to graduate school at UNL, Jeremy Bower passed through Lincoln on professional storm chasing tours. For several years he led international tourists on tornado hunts, and now he's turning his passion for severe weather into a graduate education.
J.D. Edwards name change proposed
The J.D. Edwards Honors Program in Computer Science and Management will soon have a new name if the NU Board of Regents approves the change at its June 13 meeting. Under a proposal submitted to the board, the program would become the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management, named in honor of a long-time key supporter of the program.
Chang-Barnes guides Lied into new season
The release of a new Lied Center season schedule has always piqued Ann Chang-Barnes' interest.
Other News
Museum breaks ground on Hubbard Rhino Barn
A June 5 ground breaking at Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park near Royal opened construction of a new 17,500-square-foot facility to allow the excavation and protection of many more fossils buried there.
Chancellor announces Alumni Association restructuring
Chancellor Harvey Perlman announced May 9 that the Nebraska Alumni Association, the UNL Chancellor's Office and the University of Nebraska Foundation have restructured the Alumni Association to provide more integrated alumni engagement and a stronger connection between the association and the university.
Study eyes predicting tenderness of steaks
UNL scientists have developed a way to predict steak tenderness before the consumer takes that first bite. The technology could be a boon to the beef industry as it would allow retailers to charge a premium for a "guaranteed tender" label.
Nebraskans headline summer writers conference
The 2008 Nebraska Summer Writers' Conference at UNL is June 14-20 on City Campus.
Climate change event draws 150
Climate change is a complex, global problem that demands integrated and highly collaborative research to provide the answers society needs.
Alumni association suspends 'Screamers'
The Scarlet and Cream Singers struck a chord within David Bagby.
Plains museum hosts Kirsch exhibit
The Great Plains Art Museum is offering a rare look into the landscape paintings of Dwight Kirsch in an exhibition running through July 27.
Other Arts
Repertory Theater hosts June 14 panel discussion
UNL's Nebraska Repertory Theatre presents "American Theatre: Present and Future," a panel discussion on the state of American theatre, 3 to 4:30 p.m. June 14 in the Temple Building, room 114. The event is free and open to the public.
Great Plains Studies Friends purchase Rey painting
Nebraska artist Jim Rey has been awarded the 2008 Purchase Award by the Friends of the Center for Great Plains Studies.
Blakelock paintings on view in Sheldon collection galleries
Paintings by Ralph Albert Blakelock are on view this summer with artworks from the Sheldon Museum of Art's permanent collection in two galleries at the museum.
Fountain Frolics through July 31
University Program Council is offering "Fountain Frolics" with free, live music on the Nebraska Union Plaza Arcade from noon to 1 p.m. Thursdays through July 31 (except July 3). A picnic lunch of a hot dog, chips and a soda will be available for $4.
American Life in Poetry
How often have you wondered what might be going on inside a child's head? They can be so much more free and playful with their imaginations than adults, and are so good at keeping those flights of fancy secret and mysterious, that even if we were told what they were thinking we might not be able to make much sense of it. Here Ellen Bass, of Santa Cruz, California, tells us of one such experience.