Nebraska Statewide Arboretum seeks stories on love of plants
Dec 10th, 2009 | By tfedderson2 | Category: Campus News, December 10, 2009, IssueGardeners’ reflections on the people who passed on their love of plants are being collected for the 2010 Spring Affair newsletter, which is mailed annually to more than 10,000 gardeners.
“For many gardeners, their interest in plants came about through a particular person,” said Karma Larsen, editor of the Spring Affair Newsletter, “and often their favorite plants are associated with memories of a specific garden or individual.”
Stories and reflections can be written by individuals of any age. Submissions should include the name and address of the author and “gardeners” as the subject.
The story deadline is Jan. 5. Entries should be no longer than 100 words. Submissions may be edited. Digital images can be submitted along with stories. Some stories and photos will be used on the Spring Affair Web site.
“We hope to include as many stories as possible in the newsletter but that will depend on the number of submissions,” said Larsen.
The 2010 Spring Affair plant sale will be held April 24 at the Lancaster Event Center. The Spring Affair newsletter is mailed in late March.
Submit stories to or the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, UNL, P.O. Box 830715, Lincoln, NE 68583-0715. For more information or to get on the Spring Affair mailing list, contact Larsen at or 472-7923. Spring Affair information is available at