| | Employees work on an early production of KUON-TV when the station shared studio space with KOLN in the 1950s. Jack McBride, former NET general manager, is at top right. Photo courtesy of NET.

50 Years of Public Broadcasting
With no microphones, cameras or even a studio of its own, it's surprising that what is now known as Nebraska Educational Telecommunications was even able to broadcast a single television program.
Top News
Editor to lecture on Plains
What defines the Great Plains? That question was the first and most vexing for the editor of the recently published Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. In the next Nebraska Lecture on Nov. 3, David Wishart will explore how the Great Plains region was recognized and created by scholars.
Grants refine teaching
The projects focus on topics ranging from developing a new science course to building a database of significant buildings and the works of art that feature them.
Other News
Robak to leave university for Lincoln firm
Kim Robak, University of Nebraska vice president for external affairs and corporation secretary to the Board of Regents, will leave that post effective Dec. 1. She will join the Lincoln firm of Ruth & Mueller LLC, which represents clients before the Nebraska Legislature and state agencies.
A Piece of University History
As the image at right indicates, a Homecoming rivalry with the Tigers of the University of Missouri, like the one we have coming up this Saturday, is nothing new. This Homecoming float by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity won second place in the university's Homecoming house decoration contest before the Nov. 2, 1946, game.
Quartet blends classics, new work
They may be young, but the Cypress String Quartet has earned a reputation for chamber music excellence. The quartet will perform at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 4 in the Lied Center's Johnny Carson Theater.
Other Arts
Warsaw Philharmonic, Kern return
The Warsaw Philharmonic will return to the Lied Center for a performance with pianist Olga Kern at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3. The program will include Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor (Op. 30) by Rachmaninoff and Symphony No. 4 in F minor (Op. 36) by Tchaikovsky.
Professor's works on display
Sculptures, drawings, photography and calligraphy by Peter Worth, emeritus professor of art history, are on view until Oct. 30 at Modern Arts Midwest, 800 P St., Suite 300.
Work by 4-H youth on display
The textile art of 21 4-H'ers from across the state is on display now through Nov. 12 at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery as part of the 11th annual Celebration of Youth: Expressions.
Coming soon to the Ross
These movies will show Oct. 29 through Nov. 11 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center. For times and more information, call 472-5353 or visit www.theross.org.
White House to display egg art
Bonnie Dorner of West Point is the winner of the 2005 White House Easter Egg Artistry Contest organized by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Poultry and Egg Division and the American Egg Board.
Theatre Presents Woyzeck Through Nov. 6
UNL Theatre's University Theatre presents a new translation of the Georg Buchner play Woyzeck at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28, 29 and Nov. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 2 p.m. Oct. 31. All performances are in the Studio Theatre, third floor Temple Building.