
from the issue of February 10, 2005

Taste of Harlem IV Feb. 27

The Office of Academic Support and Intercultural Services and the UNL Culture Center in collaboration with Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Science are hosting "A Taste of Harlem IV," at the Nebraska Union on Feb. 27. Featured artists are Kwakiutl Dreher with Deah Harriet and the Daryl White Quartet.
 This is the Culture Center's culminating Black History month event. The theme for the night will be "Know Your History to Know Your Future-With No History, There is No Future." The evening will showcase music, dance and other artistic performances reminiscent of the era known as the Harlem Renaissance , the period from the end of World War I and through the middle of the 1930s Depression, during which a group of talented African-American writers produced a sizable body of literature in the four prominent genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay.
 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the program starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are being sold during the noon hour at the Nebraska Union, or at the UNL Culture Center, 472-5500.
Hillestad Gallery exhibiting Walsh quilt collection
Artists Encouraged to Apply For Free at 6 Series
Brother to Brother screening at Ross Media Center
ETV broadcasting state wrestling tourney Feb. 19
Feb. 16 Olson Seminar explores work of female artist
MEDICI to celebrate 10th anniversary
Much Ado at University Theatre
Premiere of Pure Sweet Hell Feb. 11 at Ross
Rep Theatre auditions Feb. 12
Russian folklore fills Moiseyev company repertoire
South African troupe Ladysmith retains traditional culture
Taste of Harlem IV Feb. 27