Women's Studies celebrates 'Shakespeare's Sister' March 9 Women's Studies celebrates 'Shakespeare's Sister' March 9 The UNL Women's Studies Program will celebrate Women's Week with "Shakespeare's Sister" from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 9 in the Dudley Bailey Library, 228 Andrews Hall. Shakespeare's Sister is an event that is held each year to celebrate women's words, both past and present. The title of this event comes from author Virginia Woolf's essay, "A Room of One's Own." Woolf asserted that traditional women's roles have suppressed opportunities and recognition for women writers for centuries, and that if Shakespeare had a sister of equal talent and passion for writing, her genius would have been ignored. Individuals are invited to bring work of their favorite woman author and listen to others read their favorites in this celebration of women's words. Each participant will be given time to read a selected passage and explain why it was chosen. There are sign-up sheets outside of the Women's Center, 340 Nebraska Union, and the Women's Studies Office, 327 Seaton Hall. For more information call the Women's Studies office at 472-9392 or the Women's Center at 472-2597.