| | COMICS COLLECTION - Richie Graham, digital learning librarian/assistant professor for University Libraries, is expanding the libraries' graphic novel and comic book collection. Photo by Troy Fedderson, University Communications.

Librarian takes aim at comics niche
A stroll by four shelves in the quiet of the Love North basement is enough to make Richie Graham smile.
Top News
Love Library participates in free comic day
University Libraries at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will participate in Free Comic Book Day, May 5-6.
Griesen to address graduates
Ongoing construction of the Antelope Valley Project will severely limit access from the west and south to the Bob Devaney Sports Center for May 6 commencement exercises.
Campus hosts officials from Zambia May 15-19
When Charles Wood first went to Zambia in 1993 he did not know what to expect.
Groundbreaking ceremony for quilt center is May 12
Construction of the International Quilt Study Center will begin with a groundbreaking ceremony 3 p.m. May 12.
Other News
Landscape architecture program attracts students for fall semester
UNL Freshman Kelsey Latshaw first got interested in her future major, landscape architecture, in a place not entirely surprising.
UCARE student adds multicultural touch to Lied Center marketing
With a double major in Spanish and advertising, Ashley Pritchard didn't really need extra work. But sometimes, when the perfect opportunity knocks, you have to open the door.
Elderquest program examines reality of aging
The concepts and reality of aging are daunting and complex for people of all ages. An Osher Lifelong Learning series this semester, Elderquest, has not demystified the process, but it let participants dialogue about the frustrations, joys, agonies and surprises of the elder experience.
West to turn in tuning tools
Days after joining the School of Music in 1975, Richard West could hardly believe what he got himself into.
Other Arts
Faculty artists open studios for fund raiser
The private studios of 12 Lincoln artists, including three UNL faculty members, will open to the public May 6 and 13 to raise funds for the Haydon Art Center.
Annual BFA Capstone exhibition open through May 5
The BFA Capstone Exhibition, featuring work of graduating Bachelor of Fine Arts studio art majors, runs through May 5 in the EisentragerHoward Gallery in Richards Hall.
American Life in Poetry
Midwestern poet Richard Newman traces the imaginary life of coins as a connection between people. The coins - seemingly of little value - become a ceremonial and communal currency.