
from the issue of September 7, 2006

Year in Review

This is the third annual Year in Review document published by the Scarlet.
 Going back over the previous year to capture material for this publication is always interesting. Things that seemed paramount months ago fade from memory rather quickly as new priorities emerge. Yet there is value in remembering from where we have come and in celebrating our successes as well as learning from our less successful endeavors.
 Last spring, we approved a series of "core values" statements. These statements express the ideas that we believe are central to our daily activities. Everything we do at the university - from activities that support teaching and learning, that support research or that support our outreach and public service missions - should also serve to support, uplift and advance at least one, preferably more than one, of our core values.
 We have developed a little memory device to help us remember these values, it is the word "Leaders," which represents the first letter of each statement.
 Learning that prepares students for lifetime success and leadership;
 Excellence pursued without compromise;
 Achievement supported by a climate that celebrates each person's success;
 Diversity of ideas and people;
 Engagement with academic, business, and civic communities throughout Nebraska and the world;
 Research and creative activity that inform teaching, foster discovery, and contribute to economic prosperity and our quality of life; and
 Stewardship of the human, financial, and physical resources committed to our care.
 Although it comes second in our mnemonic device, the statement "Excellence pursued without compromise" is our highest priority.
 The theme for this edition of the Year in Review was developed by looking for examples of how we as a university carried out those core values over the last academic year. The usual caveat applies to this edition - there were hundreds of examples that could have been chosen; we are sorry that not every example could be reprised.
 You should know, however, that I continue to be proud to lead UNL and to work with a community of individuals who work daily to advance our missions of teaching and learning, research and creative activity, and outreach and public service. This dedication is the true meaning of "pursuit of excellence without compromise."

Harvey Perlman

The 2006 Year in Review issue can be downloaded in pdf format.
Year in Review
15 proposals for teaching, learning excellence funded
Air Force ROTC sweeps national honors
Awards and Honors
Beef scholars program begins
Big Event draws more than 1,000 campus volunteers
BIT Mobile rolls across Nebraska
Buffett, Gates visit campus
Cassman directs energy center
Chemist creates synthetic bone
Circle of Nations hosted by UNL
Civil Rights marcher gives keynote address in MLK observance
Combined campaign raises $331,994
Committees lay foundation for general education reform
Core Values: Achievement
Core Values: Diversity
Core Values: Engagement
Core Values: Excellence
Core Values: Learning
Core Values: Research and Creative Activity
Core Values: Stewardship
Eight students chalk awards
Energy research partners UNL scientists, public power
Engineering opens 2006 with new lab
Excellence in Brief
Faculty earn top teaching, research honors
Fall semester opens with LGBTQ minor
Five faculty members earn Fulbright honors
Four record CAREER grants
Franco takes student affairs helm
Ginsburg tenders two UNL lectures
Hurricane Briefs
Journalism issues two depth reports
Learning community builds on Thompson Forum speakers
Libraries expand Cather collections
NaBRO lands 5-year Korean bridge project
Natural Resources moves to Hardin Hall
NU Directions hailed as model program
Partnership aims at commercialized cholesterol fighter
Program aimed at next generation of researchers
Program cards a first
Psych symposium examines lesbian, gay, bisexual identities
Research funding tops $100 million milestone
Research on campus
Retention drive launched
Robots participate in 18-day mission
Sheldon revives tradition
Theatre Arts honors Carson
Three new majors offered to students
Transportation Center earns grant
University takes new tack in accreditation
UNL aids $5M wheat effort
UNL among top 50 colleges
UNL, Grand Island students celebrate college opportunity
UNL students approve new culture center
UNL updates online image
Weisz helps shape court's handling of abused and neglected children
Year in Review issue can be downloaded in pdf format