
from the issue of September 21, 2006

Book prize winner to present Olson seminar

Louis S. Warren, who received the Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize for his book, "Buffalo Bill's America: William Cody and the Wild West Show," will present a lecture 3:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the Great Plains Art Museum.
 The lecture will lead off the 2006-07 Paul A. Olson Seminars in Great Plains Studies. It is free and open to the public, as is a reception following the talk.
 "The story of William Cody's rise from buffalo hunter and cavalry scout to world's most famous showman is one of the strangest in American history," Warren said. "What inspired this Nebraskan to create the Wild West show, a traveling community that included hundreds of Indians, cowboys, vaqueros and others? What accounts for the show's remarkable success on both sides of the Atlantic over three decades of entertaining the world public?"
 In pursuing the real story of Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, Warren uncovers insights not only into the intersection of western history and western myth, but into the making of modern America.
Warren is a professor of western U.S. history at the University of California, Davis, where he teaches the history of the American West and environmental history. Warren is also the author of "The Hunters Game: Poachers and Conservationists in Twentieth-Century America" (Yale University Press, 1997), which won the Western Heritage Award for Outstanding Non-Fiction Book from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum.
 James Stubbendieck, director of the UNL's Center for Great Plains Studies, said the book prize was created to stress the interdisciplinary importance of the Great Plains in today's publishing and educational market.
 Two other Olson seminars are scheduled for the fall semester (both begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Great Plains Art Museum and are free and open to the public): Oct. 18 - "Childhood Treasures: Quilts Made for and by Children," Mary Ghormley of Lincoln; and Nov. 15 - "Mari Sandoz and the Making of a Plains Historian: Life at the Raucous and Eccentric University of Nebraska and Nebraska State Historical Society, 1923-1933," John Wunder, UNL professor of history and journalism.
 For more information, go online to www.unl.edu/plains or call 472-3082.
Book prize winner to present Olson seminar
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