
from the issue of July 26, 2007

UNL, Campus Rec forge partnership with mtvU

Eight new 42-inch plasma televisions have been installed inside UNL Campus Recreation's strength and conditioning room.
 The arrival of the units stems from meetings that took place in November, when the UNL Campus Recreation Advisory Council approved a proposal received from mtvU.
 mtvU agreed to finance all of the expenses associated with the units, including installation, and allows for two of the units to be free to broadcast regular cable television (through closed captioning). The agreement with mtvU states that the other six televisions will have 42 minutes of videos and 18 minutes of commercials throughout each broadcast hour. Along with the contract, mtvU has agreed to sponsor Campus Rec's annual GET REC'd event, by contributing $5,000 per year.
 The collegiate version of MTV, mtvU now has a relationship with eleven of the Big 12 campuses.
 In December, the UNL Residence Hall Association also reviewed and approved measures to bring mtvU into campus living facilities. No specific agreement came from those deliberations.
 For more information, go online to www.mtvU.com.
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UNL, Campus Rec forge partnership with mtvU
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