ABOUT THE SCARLET search articles: 

Cover Story
INNOVATION MODEL - Chancellor Harvey Perlman discusses the concept plan for the Nebraska Innovation Park with NET Radio reporter Avishay Artsy...
 INNOVATION MODEL - Chancellor Harvey Perlman discusses the concept plan for the Nebraska Innovation Park with NET Radio reporter Avishay Artsy following a Nov. 19 news conference. The plan includes as many as 17 new research buildings and 1.6 million square feet of developed space. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

Innovation park plan unveiled
UNL's proposal for converting State Fair Park into a research park is on the table.

Top News
East Campus walking tour Offered
Look around East Campus and you'll find all sorts of hidden treasures. From the Maxwell Arboretum to Jeanne Vierk Yeutter Memorial Garden, each has scholarly and historical significance.

Research challenges Pangea Theory
Research by geoscientists from UNL and the University of Michigan is challenging a long-held theory related to the ancient supercontinent Pangea.

Other News
Memory lessons
Every Tuesday morning, two UNL Speech and Language Pathology graduate students set up shop in "the penthouse," a festive area on the top floor of Gateway Manor, a retirement community in Lincoln.

Nearly 700 joined Winning with Wellness program
The Winning with Wellness program ended Oct. 27 with almost 700 campus registrants returning 366 scorecards.

A Piece of University History
From the Archives - Women's Volleyball
Before the Husker volleyball squad competed nationally, this UNL team earned the NWISC State Volleyball Championship, held Dec. 11-12, 1970 at Midland College.

What Would Jesus Buy?' explores commercialization of holidays
The docu-comedy "What Would Jesus Buy?," exploring the commercialization of Christmas, is playing through Dec. 6 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.

Other Arts News

String Beans to play the Ross Dec. 1
The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center presents "An Afternoon with The String Beans" at 1 p.m. Dec. 1.

'Globilization and Labor in Textiles' opens Dec. 3 in the Hillestad Gallery
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery will host "Making the Meaning: Globalization and Labor in Textiles," an exhibition Dec. 3 through Jan. 11 that features new works by eight contemporary artist/designers.

Sheldon 'Winter Escape' is Dec. 7-8
The Nebraska Art Association will present two free events during Winter Escape weekend Dec. 7-8 at the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.

White to lead orchestra's Dec. 1 holiday concert
The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra will present a holiday concert, "Christmas Greetings," at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 1 at Kimball Recital Hall.

NET Television presents concert at Masada Dec. 1
NET Television will present the historic concert, "David Broza at Masada: The Sunrise Concert," Dec. 1 at 10:30 p.m. on NET 1. The concert was performed at the site of the ancient fortress of Masada in the southern Israeli desert.

BFA Capstone exhibition opens Dec. 3
Seventeen undergraduate degree candidates in studio art will present work in the BFA Capstone Exhibition at the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery in Richards Hall.

For the Record

Mayo named Administrator of the Year
For the Record - Faculty, staff and students
Woods Fund awards grants to UNL
University recognizes distinguished scholars of 2007
In Brief

Alternative energy workshop is Dec. 6
Nebraska Colloquium lecture to examine bullying Nov. 30
Credit Union hosts toy, gift drive
Take precautions to have a safe holiday season
MLK award nominees sought
NUFlex enrollment continues to Dec. 7
Free financial counseling offered in December
Hazardous materials tags due Dec. 12 for collection
Examination Services available for finals week
Host families needed for out-of-state freshmen
NSF intent-to-submit forms due Jan. 14
Summer Independent Study seeks instructors
Franco is speaker for MLK Freedom Breakfast
NET special follows Husker volleyball
Libraries offer cookbook fundraiser
Reading program updates name
Health Center offers flu shot clinics
Husker volleyball hosts NCAA first-, second-round matches
Larsen to lecture Nov. 30
American Life in Poetry