APRIL 17, 2008
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Cather Archive takes Nebraska author global
Any Nebraskan knows a few bits of Willa Cather trivia. We read "My Antonia" in high school. We've passed through her hometown of Red Cloud.
Top News
Babbitt lecture is April 22
Bruce Babbitt, secretary of the interior from 1993 to 2001, will deliver the lecture "Nebraska's Water Future: Feast or Famine?" at the next E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues. Babbitt will speak at 7 p.m. April 22 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
Research connects enzyme, drought
UNL researchers have discovered a new enzyme involved in gene regulation in response to environmental stresses that could eventually lead to a better understanding of how plants tolerate drought.
The south facade of Love Library is reflected in a puddle as rain drips off the bright blue flowers of a Siberian squill (Scilla siberica). The plant is one of the first to bloom in the spring. Cultivated since 1796, Siberian squill is not from Siberia, but from other areas of Russia and Eurasia. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.
A couple crosses the Nebraska Union courtyard under an umbrella as showers fell on April 10. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.
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Other News
Chemistry celebrates 125 years on campus
Chemistry is celebrating a 125th anniversary and a laundry list of program firsts.
Chancellor outlines salary, wage increase plan
Verbatem - Chancellor Harvey Perlman issued this April 7 e-mail about guidelines for salary and wage increases for fiscal year 2008-09.
NU-Teach program launches this summer
A program launching this summer at UNL offers Nebraska math and science teachers the chance to take selected graduate courses at reduced tuition rates, and in some cases, take these courses in their hometowns.
Study raises questions about need for selenium supplements
Selenium's potential health benefits have grabbed attention in recent years, and many multivitamin/mineral supplements contain this trace element. While it's an essential micronutrient, new UNL research raises questions about whether healthy people need supplemental selenium.
Hillestad's 'New Twists' exhibit opens April 21
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery will present recent works by the gallery's namesake in "Celebration Threads: New Twists by Robert Hillestad," April 21 to Sept. 5.
Other Arts
Quilt museum's 'Green Week' begins April 19
The International Quilt Study Center and Museum will host its first Green Week April 19-25.
St. Petersburg Ballet offers dance classics April 25-26
The richness of Russian ballet is coming to campus.
On the stage
Tom Bryce (Justin Gamerl) tries to figure out where to dispose of the body of his mother-in-law (Mikael Walter) in the dark comedy "The Unvarnished Truth," which closes the University Theatre season. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. April 17-19 and April 23-26 in the Temple Building's Howell Theatre. Courtesy photo.
Great Plains Art Museum hosts artist-in-residence April 22-27
Michael Albrechtsen of Olathe, Kan., will be the 2008 Elizabeth Rubendall artist-in-residence April 22-27 at the Great Plains Art Museum. During his residency, Albrechtsen will create two original oil paintings of the nearby Nebraska landscape based on site visits and photographs taken by the artist. Both paintings will become part of the museum's permanent collection.
Members of the Pure Movement Dance Institute perform during the April 4 First Friday event at the Sheldon Museum of Art. The dance was in response to the Luis Gonzalez Palma exhibit "Metaphors of the Heart." The Pure Movement Dance Institute is owned by Rhea Gill, assistant coordinator for fine and performing arts. Photo by Tom White/Sheldon Museum of Art.
UNL print sale is April 17-19
The Lincoln Print Group will hold a print sale April 17-19 in Richards Hall Room 121.1. Hours for the sale are noon to 7 p.m., April 17; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 18; and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 19.
Harris plays Duke Ellington works April 19
Jazz vibraphonist and composer Stefon Harris will perform works for his new recording, "African Tarantella...Dances with Duke," at 7:30 p.m. April 19 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
American Life in Poetry
Bad news all too often arrives with a ringing telephone, all too early in the morning. But sometimes it comes with less emphasis, by regular mail. Here Allan Peterson of Florida gets at the feelings of receiving bad news by letter, not by directly stating how he feels but by suddenly noticing the world that surrounds the moment when that news arrives.