Hillestad Friends announce textile art outreach curriculum The Friends of the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery announced a creative textile art educational outreach curriculum, "Fiber Celebrations of Joy." The curriculum was developed to coincide with the "Celebration Threads: New Twists by Robert Hillestad" at the gallery. The outreach is an effort to expose students across the state to the textile medium and to noted artist Robert Hillestad. The written curriculum "Fiber Celebrations of Joy" is designed for elementary, middle and high school students. It is available for educators to use in their classrooms. The curriculum was developed by Jane Marie of Aurora High School. As part of the sequence, the Aurora students will receive a bus scholarship to travel to the Hillestad Gallery. Hillestad will also visit Aurora High School. For additional information, contact Marie at (402) 694-2820, extension 275. For additional information about the Hillestad Gallery, go to http://textilegallery.unl.edu or call 472-6370.