
from the issue of February 26, 2004

Musical tells the stories of Fame

Fame - The Musical, based on the award-winning movie and TV series, will open at the Lied Center for Performing Arts on March 5 for four performances. The show has played more than 5,000 performances from 300 productions in more than 16 countries. Performances include an extended run in Londons West End and a three-year tour in North America.

| | Fame - The Musical plays March 5-7 at the Lied Center.

| | Fame - The Musical chronicles the odyssey from audition to graduation of a group of students at New York Citys High School of the Performing Arts. Driven by the compulsion for fame, these characters from diverse backgrounds experience common triumphs and tragedies along their journey.
 Fame was originally released as a movie in 1980, earning four Academy Award nominations and winning the Oscar for its musical score. Running for six years on network television and in syndication, Fame also won several Emmy Awards. It also became a highly rated reality series on NBC in the summer of 2003.
 Eddie Brown and Karen Wills will give a lecture 30 minutes before each performance in the Lieds Steinhart Room.
 Fame - The Musical will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 5, 2 and 7:30 p.m. March 6, and 2 p.m. March 7. Tickets are $45, $39 and $35; tickets are half-price for university students with identification and those 18 and under. Call the Lied box office at 472-4747 or (800) 432-3231 for tickets.
Traveling ceramics gallery to visit Lincoln March 9
Annual undergraduate exhibition opens Monday
First Friday event March 5
Group to hold print sale March 4-6
Hansen to read poetry March 3
Musical tells the stories of Fame
Sleeping Beauty on stage
Speech to discuss roles of textiles
Spring Dance Gala Feb. 28
The Guys, Tenor, Lewis and Clark plays on tap
Wilde play canceled