Master plan ready for faculty, staff review
A summer spent incorporating opinions from visioning sessions and an online survey has moved the UNL master physical plan toward completion.
Top News
Whitman Archive earns $500,000 challenge grant
Leaving the College of William and Mary in 2000, Ken Price joined UNL to help create an online archive of Walt Whitman's voluminous writings.
| | Patrick Kazadi and Liz Santamaria perform a Colombian folk dance during the Fiesta on the Green, outside the Nebraska Union on Sept. 15. Kazadi and Santamaria constitute half of the dancce group "Esmerelda." Other members of the group are Lucera Santamaria and Brent Meier. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Fiesta on the Green included Spanish poetry, ethnic food, and a mariachi band. More than 200 individuals attended the event which started with a proclamation by Lincoln Mayor Coleen Seng. Photo by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.

Fiesta on the Green
Online carpool service starts at UNL
Through an online provider, Parking and Transit Services at UNL is now offering carpooling options to UNL commuters.
StarTran program continues to build as gas prices shift
Recent gasoline price fluctuations are apparently bringing more riders to the UNL/ StarTran bus system.
Other News
Fossil named for UNL paleontologist
A colleague who likes to talk football has forever placed George Corner into the fossil record.
Museum collection open to the public Sept. 24
For one day, the University of Nebraska State Museum is opening its collection of more than 1 million research specimens to the public.
Study to help gauge injury development among musicians
Brenda Wristen never gave much thought to the ergonomics of piano keyboards until she woke up one morning years ago and couldn't move her arms.
Rural Nebraskans look to family, friends for help with personal problems
When rural Nebraskans have personal problems, they are most comfortable talking with family or friends and much less likely to turn to mental health or substance abuse professionals, according to the 2005 Nebraska Rural Poll.
Admissions dean outlines enrollment figures
Editor's Note - Alan Cerveny, Dean of Admissions, issued this overview of UNL's fall enrollment numbers in a campus wide E-mail on Sept. 15.
Louise Pound
English 245B professor, students issue letter on
Ross to debut film by UNL professor
The Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film will present the Lincoln premiere of Almost Normal, at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, Sept. 23.
Other Arts
Faculty Dance Club to open new season Sept. 24
The Faculty Dance Club opens the 2005-06 season with a dinner and dance featuring the band Gold Dust, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 24 at the East Union.
American Life in Poetry
Emily Dickinson said that poems come at the truth at a slant. Here a birdbath and some overturned chairs on a nursing home lawn suggest the frailties of old age. Masterful poems choose the very best words and put them in the very best places, and Michigan poet Rodney Torreson has deftly chosen "ministers" for his first verb, an active verb that suggests the good work of the nursing home's chaplain.
Einstein: A Stage Portrait