| | SPEECH LESSON - An unidentified Teachers College undergraduate works with students in this photo from the 1950s.

Teachers College marks 100 year anniversary
The College of Education and Human Sciences will celebrate the centennial of the founding of one of its predecessor units, Teachers College, in a ceremony beginning at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Van Brunt Visitors Center.
Top News
Prof features physics of NASCAR in new book
Tapping into the wave of making science more interesting for students, UNL physics professor Diandra Leslie-Pelecky became a NASCAR fanatic by accident.
Site offers history of campus buildings
More than 100 years of campus architecture history is now available via the click of a mouse.
Claws give clues to lion's Neb. journey
Wildlife biologists at UNL have determined that a young male mountain lion struck on I-80 near Gretna in 2005 moved hundreds of miles across the state from the northwest. The finding is important in helping determine how the animals, rare in Nebraska, occasionally make their way into the state and end up far from home.
Other News
UNL rates 6th in U.S. News 'Most Popular College' list
U.S. News and World Report's annual rankings promotion on Feb. 1 released a new list, analyzing top colleges' yields to outline the "Most Popular Colleges: National Universities." UNL ranked sixth for a 2006 yield rate of 66 percent.
Campaign Stops
Members of the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama presidential campaigns stopped at UNL prior to Nebraska's Feb. 9 Democratic caucus. Below right, Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary Clinton, talks with students in the Nebraska Union on Feb. 7. Below left, Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Obama, shakes hands with Kim Robak following a Feb. 8 campaign rally at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. Podcasts of both campaign stops are available online. Clinton's question and answer session is available at http://www.unl.edu/ucomm/ucomm/av/video/podcasts/20080207_chelseaclinton.mov. Obama's speech is available at http://www.unl.edu/ucomm/ucomm/av/video/podcasts/20080208_michelleobama.mov. The campaign stops are also featured online in an Admissions "Real Nebraska" episode, http://admissions.unl.edu/real_nebraska/. Photos by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.
Rutledge lecture to continue 'Taste of Harlem' events
A series of events celebrating Black History Month will be held at UNL in February. Lectures and performances in this year's "A Taste of Harlem: A Celebration of the Harlem Renaissance" series are free and open to the public.
Meetings to cover new student E-mail system
UNL students may be getting a new E-mail system, and administration is setting a series of meetings to talk about it.
A Piece
of University History
From the Archives - Frank E. Henzlik
HALL PLANS - Frank Henzlik, dean of Teachers College from 1931 to 1958, holds plans for the University High School, built in 1955. The building was renamed Henzlik Hall in 1967. Henzlik Hall is now used as classroom and office space.
Theatrix opens spring season with first New Artists Festival
Theatrix opens the spring semester showcasing young playwrights in the New Artists Festival, Feb. 21-24 in the Lab Theatre, third floor of the Temple Building. Theatrix is the student theatre organization in UNL's Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film.
Other Arts
Great Plains hosts Valentine's Day event
The Great Plains Art Museum will host a Valentine's Day poetry reading at 7 p.m. Feb. 14.
Ross hosts Academy Award-nominated 'Diving Bell and the Butterfly' Feb. 15-28
The Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center will feature "The Orphanage" and "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" from Feb. 15-28.
Vanguard Orchestra featured Feb. 15
The Grammy-award winning Vanguard Jazz Orchestra will perform at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. The performance will be part of the School of Music's Honor Jazz Weekend (Feb. 15-17).
Undergraduate Art Exhibition open through Feb. 28
The annual undergraduate art exhibition, featuring the work of studio art students in the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, is on display in the Eisentrager•Howard Gallery in Richards Hall through Feb. 28.
Clay Talk
WORKING IT AROUND - (At right) Matthew Metz, a ceramic artist from Alfred, N.Y., attaches the top to a vessel during a Feb. 8 ceramics demonstration in Richards Hall. Metz and other ceramics artists, Linda Sikora and Steven Heinemann, visited UNL Feb. 7-8. Photos by Troy Fedderson/University Communications.
Opera A La Carte offers Gilbert and Sullivan productions, Feb. 21-22
Opera A La Carte, the company devoted to the works of William Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan, will return to the Lied Center for Performing Arts with two performances. The troupe will perform "The Mikado" on Feb. 21 and "The Gondoliers" on Feb. 22. Both performances begin at 7:30 p.m.
String Beans play the Ross Feb. 23
The String Beans will perform at 1 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center.
American Life in Poetry
I'd guess you've heard it said that the reason we laugh when somebody slips on a banana peel is that we're happy that it didn't happen to us. That kind of happiness may be shameful, but many of us have known it. In the following poem, the California poet, Jackson Wheeler, tells us of a similar experience.