
| | Ann Austin spoke to a number of faculty groups during her visit. Photo by Brett Hampton.

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Communications key to nurturing grad students, new faculty
Graduate students and early career faculty face some similar challenges as they move forward in their careers, a Michigan State University professor has learned. And similar measures can help both groups succeed as faculty members.
Top News
Dental College providing health care to rural areas
UNMCs College of Dentistry is developing creative ways to address the growing problems of access to oral health care and the shortage of dentists practicing in rural areas.
Other News
NU Press reorganization addresses future
(The following email was sent to all faculty and staff on Feb. 3, from Chancellor Harvey Perlman.)
A Piece of University History
Since it was established in 1919 the Nebraska Tractor Test Lab has tested more than 1,845 tractors. The Test Lab was founded to make sure that tractor manufacturers' claims of performance were accurate.
Hillestad Gallery exhibiting Walsh quilt collection
The Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery is exhibiting selections from the art quilt collection of New Jersey businessman John M. Walsh III, one of a handful of collectors interested in acquiring works by living artists in the area of non-traditional quilts. The exhibition runs through March 4.
Other Arts
MEDICI to celebrate 10th anniversary
Coffee and cake, wine and hors d'oeuvres-and plenty of art will highlight MEDICI's 10th Anniversary Celebration Fund-raiser from 7 to 10 p.m. on Feb. 19.
Feb. 16 Olson Seminar explores work of female artist
The life and work of Mary Hallock Foote, one of the few female western illustrators of the 19th century, will be the topic of the Paul A. Olson Seminar in Great Plains Studies.
Russian folklore fills Moiseyev company repertoire
Moiseyev Dance Company brings its acclaimed folk dance repertoire to the Lied Center at 7:30 p.m Feb. 19. This company has earned its reputation in large part because of the genius of the company's founder, artistic director, and choreographer, Igor Moiseyev, as well as the technical skill and exuberance of the dancers.
South African troupe Ladysmith retains traditional culture
They are known as South Africa's greatest cultural ambassadors as well as the best-selling African musical group in history. Ladysmith Black Mambazo, who first gained international acclaim on Paul Simon's Graceland album, will perform at the Lied Center at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 17.
Much Ado at University Theatre
University Theatre presents Shakespeare's romantic comedy, Much Ado About Nothing, at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18, 19 and 23-26, in Howell Theatre, Temple Building, 12th & R.
Rep Theatre auditions Feb. 12
The Nebraska Repertory Theatre, the professional wing of the UNL Department of Theatre Arts, will hold auditions in Lincoln for its 2005 season from 1 to 4 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Temple Building, 12th and R streets.
Brother to Brother screening at Ross Media Center
Rodney Evans' first narrative feature, Brother to Brother, opening at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center on Feb. 18, is an ambitious drama that explores artistic and personal integrity in a context straddling past and present. Brother to Brother is showing Feb. 18 through March 3.
Premiere of Pure Sweet Hell Feb. 11 at Ross
Filmmaker and co-director, Brian Vernor, will be on hand to introduce the midwest premiere of Pure Sweet Hell at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center at 7 p.m. Feb. 11. A reception will follow at Bricktop, 1427 O St.
Taste of Harlem IV Feb. 27
The Office of Academic Support and Intercultural Services and the UNL Culture Center in collaboration with Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Science are hosting "A Taste of Harlem IV," at the Nebraska Union on Feb. 27. Featured artists are Kwakiutl Dreher with Deah Harriet and the Daryl White Quartet.
Artists Encouraged to Apply For Free at 6 Series
The Lied Center will continue its Free at 6 series for the 2005-06 season and is taking applications from Lincoln/Lancaster County artists interested in being featured in this series.
ETV broadcasting state wrestling tourney Feb. 19
One of Nebraska's most popular high school sporting events, the state high school wrestling championships, will be broadcast live and in High Definition where available over all stations of the statewide Nebraska ETV Network at 2 p.m. Feb. 19.