
from the issue of December 13, 2007

'Winter Wonderland' exhibit opens Dec. 21

A winter wonderland of prints is opening Dec. 21 at the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery.

| | WONDERLAND - The woodcut "Big Trees in Snow," by William S. Rice, is included in the Sheldon's "Winter Wonderland" exhibition. Courtesy photo.

| | The exhibition "Winter Wonderland: Prints from the Collection of Norman and Judy Zlotzky," on view through March 21, documents the evolution of the printmaking craft in American art. The work - which spans from the 1860s to 1960s - is showcased in engravings, paintings, woodcuts and lithographs.
 "Winter Wonderland" shows how printmakers have responded to the subject of winter. Early works on view include wood engravings by Winslow Homer, who was an illustrator prior to his success as a painter. "The Old Farm House," an 1872 Currier and Ives color lithograph, was also printed in a large edition for mass audiences. "Winter Wonderland" features views depicting many parts of the United States - from California artist Roi Partidge's 1927 etching, "Up North," to Howard Cook's wood engraving, "Morning Smokes, Taos Pueblo," and Eugene Frandzen's "New England Snow" (1948).
 In his prints as well as his paintings, David City native Dale Nichols used Nebraska scenes as subjects. His lithograph, "Company for Supper," offers a sensitively drawn snow scene, which contracts with his vibrant silkscreen, "Coming Home."
 Other artists whose work will be on view include Asa Cheffetz, C. Jac Young, Claire Leighton, Doris Lee, John DeMartelly, Kerr Eby, Rockwell Kent and William S. Rice.
 The public is invited to welcome the Zlotskys, who are Lincoln residents, at the Sheldon's First Friday reception for the exhibition 5-7 p.m. Jan. 4.
 Admission to the museum is free.
 The museum is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
 For more information, go online to www.sheldon.unl.edu or call 472-2461.

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'Winter Wonderland' exhibit opens Dec. 21