
from the issue of January 26, 2006

Cat Chow exhibit opens at Hillestad

Cat Chow is an artist, fashion designer, educator and musician. In her work she creates innovatively constructed garments and, most recently, sculptures from common materials such as zippers, dollar bills, measuring tapes and baby bottle nipples.

| | This dress, titled "Zipper," is included in the Cat Chow exhibit at the Hillestad Textiles Gallery.

| Her exhibit, "Cat Chow: Alterations," will run Jan. 30-Feb. 24 at the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery on the second floor of the Home Economics Building.
 Cat Chow's work has been exhibited extensively in museums and galleries nationwide, most prominently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has her acclaimed "Zipper Dress"(1999) in its permanent collection. "Zipper Dress," made of 100 yards of a continuous length of zipper, will be on view in the exhibition at the Hillestad Gallery. Also on exhibit will be "Heavy Metal" (1999), made of stainless steel and brass rings along with the more recent work, "Mo(u)rning Gown" (2004), made with horsehair and antique Chinese furniture fixtures.
 Chow has won several awards, including the prestigious Louis Comfort Tiffany Biennial Award.
 She will be the featured speaker at the Friends of the Gallery annual meeting Jan. 29. The business meeting is open to the public and begins at 1 p.m. in Room 31 of the Home Economics Building. Her slide lecture, "Pattern Language: Cat Chow Unzipped," begins at 2 p.m. in Room 11 of the Home Economics Building. A reception for the artist will follow the lecture on the second floor.
 She will also provide programs for youth of the Asian Community Center and the Indian Center, as well as working with UNL Department of Textiles, Clothing and Design students. The Friends of the Gallery, the Nebraska Arts Council, the UNL Academic Senate and the Textiles, Clothing and Design Department provided funding to underwrite her visit.
 The Hillestad Gallery is free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and weekends by special request. Call (402) 472-2911, to request weekend opening. It is closed university holidays and between shows.
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